Girls Night Out

Last night was girls night. A much needed and long overdue night out for this momma of two. My gal pals and I went out to celebrate a friend’s birthday with delicious margaritas. It had been a bit of a stressful day with two teething kids. Baby girl H was also running a low grade fever on top of it. Needless to say, it had been a long day! So when my ride came to get me I practically ran to her car for fear that the cries coming from inside would weaken me and I’d bail in the very last second. Not to mention that I was trying to flee before my toddler could catch up with me. He chased after me donning the ensemble of black wedge work heels, a diaper, and his rain coat. He made it all the way to the middle of our driveway, my hubby in tow with baby H to catch him and bring him inside. Luckily the wedges he was wearing slowed him down a bit. It was just that type of day.  Reminding myself that it was girls night help me power through the day on very little sleep and kept me (mostly) sane. Of course my excitement was accompanied by the infamous mommy guilt.  But I managed not to have my phone glued to me during dinner anticipating the frantic texts from my hubby about getting my butt back home. In fact I didn’t even check my phone until we were done with dinner. And you know what?? Not one text or missed call. When I arrived home the toddler was asleep and the baby was calmly playing with daddy. My kids ( and hubby) survived without me. All was well.

So the moral of the story. Mommas of the world, go out and enjoy girls night much more often. Sometimes good food, tasty drinks and great company is just the fun we need to refresh and unwind. After all, we need to remember to take care of ourselves in order to care for others too.

Until next time y’all.

The first of many

Welcome to Delightfully Balanced. My purpose of this blog is to put into words my process for healthy, happy living by finding beauty in chaos. I’m inspired by many things in my life, but mainly by my family and friends. As a current SAHM, my kids inspire me the most. To be better, more patient, active and healthy. I’m constantly striving to create balance in my life. It’s a process and I haven’t quite figured out the magic tricks for it all but I’m working at it. If I find the million dollar answer to it all, I’ll let you know.

My family consists of my hubby, our two babes and pups. My son J is 2.5 y/o. He is a fun loving and ACTIVE little boy. Holy cow is he ever active. I call him my sour patch kid because he can be super sour then incredibly sweet. My daughter H is 6 mo. She is just the sweetest, happiest baby I’ve ever encountered, of course I could be a bit biased. She rarely fusses, even through her first teething experience. I know I am so lucky to have them in my life. They are my world right now. I am enjoying my time with them as they change and grow. When my son was born I was working in a high school and was back at work by the time he was 6 weeks old, plus I was in graduate school for counseling, so nights and weekends were also occupied. Since my daughter’s birth, I’ve had the luxury of being home with both. It’s been the most challenging, rewarding and exhausting experience I have had yet. It’s completely different for me compared to when I was working and parenting, although that’s a whole other challenge in itself. I was able to have that adult time at work, use my education and intellect during the day, then come home and have my special time with my family. As a SAHM, my day now consists around diaper changes, toddler meltdowns, and illogical responses to situations (like said toddler requesting a pb and j sandwich, giving toddler sandwich, only to have toddler meltdown because they received requested sandwich)…. phew. It’s a constant guessing game 24/7 but honestly that’s half the fun. No matter all the trials and tribulations that come with parenting, it’s all worth it when I see my daughter’s toothy grin or my son gives me one of his big bear hugs. And thank goodness for my hubby. I do not know what I would do without him! He is my partner in crime.

Well, that’s all for now. Baby’s calling.